Wedding Film Update

Just a Minute: Kaitlyn & Wes

Has it really been over two years since this gorgeous wedding in the Redwoods? Time flies. This was one of the first films that I made when we (my husband and I) first started offering video, and over the years I have definitely gotten better with color grading and toning so the original piece we made for them didn’t quite fit our current, cleaner style. BUT I LOVED this film and couldn’t let it just wither away at the back of my portfolio.. so I pulled up the RAW video and did a quick update to make it a little more consistent with our current work. Now I love it more than ever. Can we go back?

Oh, and if you can’t get enough of these cuties— here’s a gallery of photos from their wedding: Kaitlyn & Wes | a Moody, Redwood Wedding