Scattered-but-real thoughts on photography and a few images of some fellow creatives:

I've been shooting photos for a few years now and I should probably be better than I am. 

I'm haunted by that thought. I'm not being overly hard on myself or seeking compliments. I have moments of flying high, feeling like I'm making the coolest sh*t I'll ever make... 

But it's not hard to get discouraged. To compare myself to peers. 
To look at work I did just a few weeks ago and wonder what the H i was thinking. Wishing I had edited differently or moved a little the left. It's maddening sometimes. It's terrifying. 

But I'm hooked. I am totally in love with the process and the people and the high and even the lows.
When someone approaches me about a shoot, i STILL have the feeling of "woah. really? you want ME?" 
I have so much love for all the wonderful people who have worked with me and recommended me to friends and family-- I have been lucky and blessed that the people who have found me have been open and free and kind and just plain fun.
You guys rule. And you make it worth any low.  

There are big guys around the world pushing wedding and portrait photography to new levels-- Andria LindquistA Fist Full of BoltsRyan Muirhead. Seriously, check out their work. It's amazing. It's what got me into this whole biz.
And one thing I feel so thankful for and proud of is how welcoming the photography community can be-- both in the real world and in the internet world. Great photographers could be so selfish if they wanted to but I see SO many just totally opening up about their process and their gear and giving advice to younger cats like me. So, thank you, fellow dwellers of the photography universe. And if any of you kittens reading this have any questions about anything-- I would be happy to answer if I can. Get in touch. 

SO. In the spirit of supporting one another: 
here's a shout out to three wonderful Indiana photographers who have inspired me and helped me to push myself to get better and more creative. We met and chatted and shot some photos a few weeks ago and I can now personally vouch for their awesomeness. 

Check out their work.
Book them for your wedding or portrait session.
You won't be disappointed. 

In order of appearance: 
Courtney Sinclair,
Sarah Kriner,
Mackenzie Hope,


Thanks for reading, cats.

:) glory